Saturday, November 7, 2009


Hello all. Welcome to my new blog. As many of you may know I have posted a journal for all my long distance hikes but I am going to a blog now for various reason. I want to post things about what I am doing and what I am preparing for and the Trail journal spot is, in my opinion, a place to log the account of your hike and not general stuff prior to the actual hike. There are also some shorter hikes I will be doing, ones that only take 2 to 3 days but may be worth writing about. For those of you that have followed me before I hope you all enjoy reading this blog.

I am back in Florida after spending another season in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It was another great summer at the Liberty Springs tentsite and I do plan on going back again for another season next year. In the interim I am working and saving for the "big adventure", one that I have always wanted to do and it came about on a general comment made by a friend, "Well, if you come hike with me in New Zealand I will hike the PCT with you."

That set the adventure in motion. Right now the plan for the "Endless Summer" is to go to New Zealand in Jan of 2011, stay for 3 months and then come back and start the PCT in April of that year. I do have some unfinished business with that trail :). All the work in the next year goes toward saving for this adventure so stay tuned as I post more on the progress of this journey.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to let you know I am reading Cuppa. How is the camping in Florida going? Your adventures always inspire me. I am about to head out for a long "stroll" in a local wildlife refuge. I feel blessed to have nature so close even in this big city. I hope your well. Love, Serenity
